Data Exchange & Intelligence Forum 2024

Data Exchange & Intelligence Forum 2024

In today's fast-evolving digital age, where technological advancements continually provide new avenues for offenders to produce and disseminate child sexual abuse material (CSAM) online, an immediate and robust response is crucial. Addressing this complex crime requires a united effort from child online safety specialists across all sectors.

This year’s Data Exchange & Intelligence Forum represents a unique opportunity for child online safety specialists to actively shape the future development of cooperation in the field of child online safety. It's a call to action for all stakeholders to come together, share their knowledge, and commit to actionable steps that will lead to a measurable improvement in our collective efforts against CSAM.

Last year our focus was on understanding the needs, restrictions, and solutions among different stakeholders laid a solid foundation. This year, the ambition is to go a step further by agreeing on actionable steps for a measurable improvement in the exchange of data and information across sectors.

The question at the heart of the forum is: What can each of us do better to optimise the joint fight against CSAM?

The day promises to be engaging and insightful, filled with interactive sessions that encourage participation from all attendees. Keynote speakers and panellists from INHOPE, INTERPOL, European Commission, VeraSafe and many other organisations will share the most recent developments in this field and lead the discussions on verifying actionable steps to improve cooperation among stakeholders.

Among the highlights, Dushica Naumovska will present the future development of the ICCAM ecosystem, an innovative solution designed to unite all stakeholders in our common cause. Additionally, Min Kyoungsic will provide invaluable insights into the legislation, focusing on how to navigate data protection rules when exchanging information and intelligence about child sexual abuse.

Join us in Amsterdam on 08 May for the in-person event that promises not only to inspire but to ignite real change in the ongoing battle against child sexual abuse material.